"All static all day forever"
Lyrics: http://www.mtv.com/lyrics/b52s/channel_z/1362739/lyrics.jhtml
A music video link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1x9s2_b52s-channel-z_music
(Follow all links at your own risk.)
Word. Maybe a laff or 2. ....A point of view blog....(Off-site web links are in light blue.) NOTE: Website is NO longer updated. (Much of it was produced in 2009-11..) A July, 2021 note: This (former) blog was sharply critical of Vice Pres. Dick Cheney. HOWEVER, Rep. Liz Cheney, his eldest daughter, happens to be a current HERO of mine as she stands up for the U.S. Constitution (..and sanity in general..), and stands up to Donald Trump and his liars/sycophants/insurrectionists
Post-U.S. presidential election, 2016: Three items to (try to) keep front-and-center (article links below), if/when a U.S. administration generally hostile to the environment takes form. Off-site article links, no affiliation. New windows open:http://time.com/4573414/climate-change-americas-cities/?
#FortMcMurray in Canada is evacuated because of a wildfire which has engulfed homes (pic @plesner_julia) #HeartNews pic.twitter.com/YSuoZt7Q9i
— Heart London News (@HeartLondonNews) May 4, 2016
- "Against logic there is no armor like ignorance." - Laurence J. Peter- "It is much easier at all times to prevent an evil than to rectify mistakes." - George Washington
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney.com) -- What do guns have to do with credit cards?
Coburn, speaking on the Senate floor, said his move "isn't a 'gotcha' amendment" but a genuine step to protect the Second Amendment. The measure would reverse a federal judge's decision in March block a last-minute rule change by President George W. Bush to allow park visitors to carry concealed weapons. |
"Statehouse coverage is the bread and butter of a newspaper: unsexy and repetitive, but one of the foundations of a nutritional news diet. Unlike bread and butter, however, it can be expensive. Reporters have to monitor long, complicated funding debates — about schools and roads and health care — many of which do not result in front-page news. Uncovering corruption, incompetence or waste takes an inordinate amount of time and effort. As newsrooms and newspapers have become smaller, coverage of state politics has been among the first to get cut."