Last night's outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress was inexcusable. It is reprehensible behavior. I also hold other members of that "august" body to account who boorishly held up signs during the speech. To me, these actions during a presidential speech bordered upon treason. (OK, not quite...) A formal reprimand should be considered, particularly for the heckler. (Joe Wilson of South Carolina, "Party of No".) From the look upon Speaker Nancy Pelosi's face, I'm hopeful that one will be forthcoming. (UPDATE: Apparently not: )
(Old photo from Google/LIFE archives)
Link to news story:
Where were the congressional shouters and sign holders during speeches where George W. Bush fabricated about WMD hidden in Iraq, arms-related shipments to Iraq (a lie), the cost of the Iraq war (cynically underestimated/hidden), attempting to tie Iraq to 9/11 terrorism, and so on?
The quotation that heads this blog entry came from Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff. Disrespectful behavior like this should not be excused or overlooked. The subsequent "apology" from the offender is not sufficient. Tepid condemnations from Republican leadership are also not sufficient. (UPDATE: And the mouth of S. Carolina is already weaseling out from his "apology": )
9/11/09 update: This loose cannon is actually becoming more combative, now:
And he may manage to get himself formally reprimanded after all. Per the following, 72% in this poll totally disapprove of his action:
Allow yelling at the president in Congress, and whacko shouting at local town hall meetings will only be the beginning.....