Link to pertinent article:
As can be seen (above), it took nine months to cap the 1979 IXTOC 1 blowout....(IXTOC was an even deeper well, though).
Update: Link to a Washington Post article from 5/1 providing better details about potential environmental impacts. Unfortunately, a "mega-disaster" in the making....
4/30/10 satellite photo of growing "spill": Update: Link to a Washington Post article from 5/1 providing better details about potential environmental impacts. Unfortunately, a "mega-disaster" in the making....
Oil Spill - San Francisco
Date taken: | 1971 |
Photographer: | George Silk |
Another 5/1 update: Spill triples in size.
It's very early, but some volunteer efforts to help with spill-related clean-up, etc. are beginning to form. Not associated with this blog. But here is one link:
5/1/10 story link: More ways to help (no affiliation with this website/blog):