Please click on the image below for more information about Koch Industries' activities:
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If there is somehow only a 50% chance that (the majority of) climate scientists - which civilized societies train and educate for such purposes - are (primarily) correct about the causes of/predicted consequences of climate change: Why would rational human beings gamble with their children and grand-children's future -- by "sticking their heads in the sand" (now)? It is willful ignorance. (And worse.)
If there is only a 30% chance that...(etc.)...why would rational human beings....
Think about your kids as you read this letter (link):
Climate change deniers: Your stance is almost certainly WRONG (link to some facts)
UPDATE: By all means, please work further on 'Plan B'. (Middle America will probably never "get it" re climate change.) : Link to an excellent article on geoengineering from The Economist: