Per the Hartford Courant (web) clip below, Connecticut Superior Court Judge E. Curtissa Cofield apologized profusely for her past actions (please see previous post here), and "accepts full responsibility".
Then she immediately whines publicly about the decision.
""I'm not happy with the decision," she said, "But it won't affect my ability to give justice to others.""
The 'ink' wasn't even dry yet....
Please see additional commentary below the clip.
Then she immediately whines publicly about the decision.
""I'm not happy with the decision," she said, "But it won't affect my ability to give justice to others.""
The 'ink' wasn't even dry yet....
Please see additional commentary below the clip.
The Hartford Courant
"I think it's awfully harsh, but I think that they certainly did what they thought was right," Cofield said, once the decision was announced Asked if she would appeal, she said, "No, I'm going to accept full responsibility for my actions." |
And later on in the article a fellow judge describes how Judge Cofield was going through " a tough time" personally when she arrested.
Two quick observations from the real world: 1) What if an "ordinary person" (a not-so-subtly demeaning phrase used ad nauseam) was caught doing the same thing to a police officer.... or anyone? One way or another, my guess is that the person's (read: you or me) present, "everyday" means of making a living would either come to an abrupt end, or just a more gradual one. (I.e., Our reputation would be 'trashed'.) And no audience would listen or care if we thought our consequences were "harsh".
1a) There is NO excuse for drinking and driving....for anyone. (Please also see previous posts.)
Instead of publicly complaining, this latest high-level person/criminal/"victim" should be "kissing the feet" of those who ruled that her career wasn't officially over today. I think she's more fortunate than most of us would be in such circumstances.
Don't think she "gets" that. (I'm being kind here....)
(Or, maybe she did kiss some feet. I.e., there was some kind of 'back room' deal and her disciplinary hearing comments were merely for public 'dog and pony' show consumption. Cynical, and probably unlikely.... but this IS 'Corrupt-icut'.)
Finally, if interested, check out the link (below) to the "comments" section for the Courant's web article. Even filtering out the more extreme, I'd characterize them generally as howls of protest (or laughter or whatever) over the outcome of this latest 'official process' .
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