Easy prediction (given current developments): Get ready for more, (organized) citizen actions such as this↓; ref. the (2014) video below. Those represented below -- plus many more -- have not "gone away". Nor will they...

(YT video link)

12/16 insert. (No affiliation.):

(YT video link)

↓(Previously written:)↓
Post-U.S. presidential election, 2016: Three items to (try to) keep front-and-center (article links below), if/when a U.S. administration generally hostile to the environment takes form. Off-site article links, no affiliation. New windows open:




5/4/16, Fort McMurray, Alberta, CN. (No affiliation with posting org.)

More info. here (off-site link): https://twitter.com/hashtag/FortMcMurrayhttps://twitter.com/hashtag/FortMcMurray

..Off-site news story excerpt (linked): "...Unseasonably hot temperatures combined with dry conditions have transformed the boreal forest in much of Alberta into a tinder box. Fort McMurray is surrounded by wilderness in the heart of Canada's oil sands..."

--> More about this (off-site article link, new window opens): http://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/11/science/global-warming-cited-as-wildfires-increase-in-fragile-boreal-forest.html?

More: (8/16 off-site article link) http://time.com/4456011/california-wildfires-natural-disasters/?

More: (10/16 off-site article link) http://time.com/4525178/climate-change-forest-fires/?

7/26/16 off-site article link, new window opens:

5/16: Hey...way, way more people check in with Jimmy Kimmel than this tiny blog. So, pls. have a listen (if you can get past Sarah...(Unnecessary bad language near the end of the video)):

(YT video link. No affiliation.)


Climate change is not 'theoretical'. Effects are already occurring, in the United States. Today:

(Off-site 9/3/16 article link. New window opens. No affiliation:)



4/16 must-read: More fact than fiction...?

Off-site article link, new window opens: http://www.theonion.com/article/exxonmobil-ceo-relieved-it-finally-too-late-do-any-52732

3/16: Wake-up call ...yet another. ((If such projections are bolstered via add'l research:) Kids! 'Let's play pack-up and move to higher ground' (someday).):

(Off-site 3/30/16 article link, new window opens)


(3/31/16 editorial. Off-site link, no affiliation: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/04/01/opinion/the-danger-of-a-runaway-antarctica.html?)

(↓Previous blog entries:)

Update (warning: contains facts/inevitable facts): 2015 is Earth's hottest year on record (off-site news article link).
2011-2015 is the warmest five-year period recorded (off-site article link).)

(YT video link. No affiliation.)

>>>>Oh, please: ..How can puny mankind's activities possibly alter the Earth's environment..??

(YT video link)

on a global scale?? --> (one off-site link:) http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2014/11/141118-nasa-video-carbon-dioxide-global-warming-climate-environment/


10/2015: 'Surprise'...Exxon understood about climate change -- through their own research -- back in the 1970s; supported misinformation about the concept for years after. Off-site 10/26/15 article link:


(Related 11/30/15 article (link))


- "Against logic there is no armor like ignorance." - Laurence J. Peter
- "It is much easier at all times to prevent an evil than to rectify mistakes." - George Washington

- "97 percent of American scientists say that climate change is happening..." (link, new window)

- "Each of the last ten years features in the top 11 warmest years recorded in all [primary monitoring agency] datasets." (12/10 article link, table)

- "How hot was it? 2013 joins the top ten for temperatures..." (link)

- "... 'Flat Earth Society'? - Kerry slams climate change skeptics" (link)

- Risk management: "Even if it somehow could be determined that it is a coin flip -- 50/50 -- that 97% of climate scientists are (essentially) correct re climate change (link), don't present-day inhabitants (still) have the (moral) obligation to effectively address as much of the issue as is safely possible?
I.e.: Too great of a risk to future generations to ignore.. Or to paralyze with excessive deliberation." -- Anonymous

- "I'm not sure what the 'height of insanity' might be, but this seems a candidate: Modern, advanced societies ignoring - or deliberately distorting - principal findings of climate scientists -- who the same civilizations train and educate to become experts ..." (P.S. If it needs stating, we know what one of the 'rea$on$' (i.e., for denying) is...)
-- Anonymous


- "...I have a better idea: do something, Congress. Do anything to help working Americans. Join the rest of the country. Join me, I'm looking forward to working with you...." --- President Barack Obama (7/2014)

9/2014: Also..."BP Plc Held Grossly Negligent for 2010 spill..."(article link). Appeals will be coming, but (if interested) you'll find a few older posts from a few years ago here, discussing the 'negligent ones' and certain attempts to deflect blame/responsibility.

Monday, December 21, 2009

RE: New Haven Independent | Red Light Camera Showdown Looms (12/21/09)

New Haven Independent | Red Light Camera Showdown Looms

In light of the New Haven Independent 12/21/09 story (above), one of my earlier posts gets the signal.... in case anyone stops by. (That link follows below.)

Especially like the quotation by the gentleman Rob Rocke at the article's end, who is ".... tired of seeing “one, two, three cars” blow through an intersection “as if they don’t need to obey the law.” Calling himself “a card-carrying member” of the ACLU, he said he finds “nothing private in choosing to be a motor vehicle owner” or driver."


Once again, repeat after me: There is no legitimate excuse or reason to "run" a red light or stop sign.

Red light cameras save lives.

Link to my 4/1/09 post, for additional information: http://heymrpotter.blogspot.com/2009/04/red-light-cameras-in-ct-just-do-it.html

Police forces cannot adequately enforce these laws, due to budget constraints, pursuit constraints, priority constraints and other constraints.
The scofflaws know this....

Stop the lawlessness on our streets, which many of us must contend with every day.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Friday, November 6, 2009

300 million people and a lot of easy guns equals...??

11/6/09: Now another nut "goes off", today (link): http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091106/ap_on_re_us/us_orlando_office_shooting

And the Ft. Hood gun-violence disaster only happened yesterday. A brave police officer possibly kept this one from being much worse: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091106/ap_on_go_ot/us_fort_hood_shooting_suspect

(And, we're getting to be a great country....for mourning. Honoring the murdered is appropriate of course, but we're not realistically addressing the real, causal issues.) 

11/10/09 update: Another one. This guy in Oregon had a rifle.....then apparently ended up shooting himself -- like a coward. Link to AP story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20091110/ap_on_re_us/us_office_park_shooting 

"Thanksgiving" update (11/27/09): Well....most of us managed to get through Thanksgiving without murdering four of our relatives with our gun. (Including a 6-year-old girl.) : http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34170956/ns/us_news-crime_and_courts 

"Pandora's box" is wide open in the U.S re guns and associated gun violence. I've said that over and over again here.....

The country has over 300 million people. Inevitably, a dangerous few are going to "be" like these (latest) suicidal cowards (or whatever).  Or emulate them. Why make it easier for "whack jobs" to mass-kill and maim (like cowards)?

This isn't 18th or 19th century America any more. Most of us don't shoot our dinner. We're no longer "claiming"/defending the frontier....

An excerpt from a recent email message from Sarah Brady, Chair of the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence:

"The incident at Fort Hood reminded me again of the mass shootings earlier this year in Pittsburgh and Binghamton, the hate killings in Wichita and Washington, DC, and the threatening, gun-toting demonstrators at the town hall meetings and health care rallies.

We make it too easy for dangerous people to get dangerous weapons.

Assault weapons don't belong in our neighborhoods, and 5-7 "cop killer" guns – like the one used at Fort Hood — don't belong in anyone's hands.

It's insanity.  And the Brady Center is doing something about it...."

Throw-beck: Jon Stewart farce's the issue

As pointed out via Colin McEnroe's blog and others, Jon Stewart has done it again.... for "the rest of us".

We needed this:
(Try a 'refresh' if the video doesn't load....)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Travel guide: The saner people in the U.S. live near the coasts

Just three recent examples (links):

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/33454580/ns/us_news-life ("Balloon mom")


(Old image from Google/LIFE archives)

And the following news article. People in (parts of) the interior U.S. are less inclined now to believe that climate change is "real".
And since they can't see the oceans, some of these buffoons must think that they are myths, too. And that the earth has really gotta be pretty flat.

Oh, and since the original U.S. Constitution doesn't define "The Fed", or "The Drug Enforcement Admin." etc., they are therefore illegal, powerless, etc. And, that the Second Amendment guarantees them the right to bear AK-47s....


Thursday, September 10, 2009

“No president has ever been treated like that. Ever."

The "United" States had a national election in 2008. President Obama prevailed, with over 50% of the popular vote. No ideologically-bound Supreme Court (justice) had to break a tie to appoint this president.

Last night's outburst during President Obama's speech to Congress was inexcusable. It is reprehensible behavior. I also hold other members of that "august" body to account who boorishly held up signs during the speech. To me, these actions during a presidential speech bordered upon treason. (OK, not quite...) A formal reprimand should be considered, particularly for the heckler. (Joe Wilson of South Carolina, "Party of No".) From the look upon Speaker Nancy Pelosi's face, I'm hopeful that one will be forthcoming. (UPDATE: Apparently not: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090910/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_heckling_17 )

(Old photo from Google/LIFE archives)

Link to news story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090910/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_heckling

Where were the congressional shouters and sign holders during speeches where George W. Bush fabricated about WMD hidden in Iraq, arms-related shipments to Iraq (a lie), the cost of the Iraq war (cynically underestimated/hidden), attempting to tie Iraq to 9/11 terrorism, and so on? http://www.bushlies.net/

The quotation that heads this blog entry came from Rahm Emanuel, White House Chief of Staff. Disrespectful behavior like this should not be excused or overlooked. The subsequent "apology" from the offender is not sufficient. Tepid condemnations from Republican leadership are also not sufficient. (UPDATE: And the mouth of S. Carolina is already weaseling out from his "apology": http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/09/10/wilson-calls-his-outburst-spontaneous/?partner=rss&emc=rss )

9/11/09 update: This loose cannon is actually becoming more combative, now: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/32797625/ns/politics-health_care_reform/

And he may manage to get himself formally reprimanded after all. Per the following, 72% in this poll totally disapprove of his action:

Allow yelling at the president in Congress, and whacko shouting at local town hall meetings will only be the beginning.....

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

CT DEP protection funds "eliminated"

Apparently a number of Connecticut DEP protection funds, including the Clean Air Fund, were raided in this week's state budget "compromise" actions, with all monies transferred to the state's general fund.

Here's a link to a 9/1/09 press release from the Connecticut Fund for the Environment: http://ctenvironment.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=256:9-01-09-environmental-groups-weigh-in-on-budget&catid=3:press-release-items&Itemid=38

And here's a 9/2/09 story link from "CT News Junkie", which notes that the Long Island Sound fund and many others were drained : http://www.ctnewsjunkie.com/state_capitol/budget_battle_some_winners_som.php#more

Interestingly, I haven't read anything yet about this action from major, "traditional" state news sources like the Hartford Courant, or Hartford-area TV news sites. 9/14/09 update: It's a sparse story, but the budget action has now been picked up in a brief article by AP:


I need more information. Still, where's the outrage about this move?

(Old image from Google/LIFE photo archives)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Excuse me, but what's been advocated here for weeks....?

Re CT Gov. Rell apparently offering a more workable possible compromise in the state's ongoing budget battle:

(Link to information from the Hartford Courant "CT Confidential" blog: http://blogs.courant.com/rick_green/ Also: A link to the "CT News Junkie" story.)

I'm far from alone (among non-zillionaires advocating for it), but what has this blog been "suggesting" for weeks? E.g., here (link) , here, and here ??

A: Compromise.

Please....let's be grown-ups now and "get it done". Thank you.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

CT budget impasse: Recalcitrant Republicans

Link to 8/22/09 Hartford Courant Connecticut state budget impasse news story: http://www.blogger.com/post-create.g?blogID=3138688709219220372

Republican Governor Rell states: "I'm equally as frustrated as the public is now...."

It may not be scientific, but this poll at the "CT News Junkie" site has a clear message for Gov. Rell and recalcitrant state Republicans: Increase state income taxes on those fortunate enough to earn $600,000 or more per year. 76% of respondents (currently) vote 'yes':

Link: http://twtpoll.com/r/mqzcok

C'mon millionaires and billionaires; how about doing your fair share.... Axe a day of paid dog-walking for the labradoodles, or something meaningful like that. What's $20 a week to you, while the rest of us can't afford the trifles... like decent health care. (Something that state Republicans want to cut further.)

One word, my state "representatives": Compromise.

And another, revenue-based word: Tolls.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Palin "wins", intelligence loses. (World smirks.)

As governor (before she quit), Sarah Palin supported "plan(-ning) ahead for health care decisions, related to end of life care...." Please see this link to an official, 4/16/08 proclamation, signed by Gov. Palin: http://gov.state.ak.us/archive.php?id=1094&type=6#

As has been pointed out, we're seeing blatant demagoguery on her part re this issue.

Just what America needs: More half-truths, innuendo and tabloid sensationalism. That's real leadership.....that's what made this country great: Rampant paranoia and stupidity.

So who's being a disingenuous ass, mainly for political gain?

If Wasilla-hillbilly-led hysteria "wins", many U.S. health care patients stand to lose. Again. (If you aren't receiving care yet, you will....) The rest of the civilized world is laughing: Though not perfect, they generally addressed effective, available health care from birth through old age.....years ago. You don't have to be rich to obtain decent care. (Or almost.) Please also consider: http://blogs.telegraph.co.uk/finance/jeremywarner/100000571/us-healthcare-expenditure-the-biggest-waste-of-money-in-the-world/

So what exactly is wrong with facilitating proper planning for the inevitable....? I don't find the concept "confusing" at all, Senator Grassley. Oh, and check this item about Grassley and other GOP demagogues apparently voting in favor of so-called "death panel" funding in 2003: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/08/14/grassley-voted-for-socall_n_259750.html

Friday, August 14, 2009

Woodstock flashback: The first 5 albums you bought?

For those who were young around the time of the 1969 Woodstock festival. (And are of a "certain age" now.)

Do you remember the first five or so albums that you bought, with your own money? (I assume that you were good and didn't steal them...)

A new teenager at the time of Woodstock, I was a bit young to go.... Though I know children my age were there. (A guy from our school class went...with his parents.) At the time I was just starting to "graduate" from buying music singles ("45's") to purchasing a few albums...with my newspaper route money. I didn't really "get going" on buying albums until the following year, 1970.

Aside: Actually, I think the first album I ever bought was 1966's "The Supremes A-Go-Go", by the legendary Supremes. I believe my brother and I pooled our allowance money at the time. We loved the Supremes, and that pink-covered album got listened to death. You can currently find an import (remastered) version of this album at Amazon. For over $600. (Photo/link.)

With the Woodstock 40th anniversary here, I started thinking about the first albums I ever owned (on my own). Alas; none of them are in my possession anymore. Pretty sure it was my mother who tossed out most of my vinyl collection several years later. (Thanks, Mom.)

As best as I recall, here's my list of the first albums I owned: They're all from 1970 (I believe) except "Tommy", released in 1969. All were major-ly popular albums at the time. (FWIW, don't remember the exact order in which they were purchased.)

"Chicago II" (Their second album. Pretty sure this is the first one I bought on my own.)

"Deja Vu", Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young

"Tommy", The Who

"Cosmo's Factory", Creedence Clearwater Revival (Reached #1 on Billboard pop album chart at the time....)

"Steppenwolf 'Live'", Steppenwolf ("Sookie, Sookie" to you!)

From the period anyway, most of these albums still hold up well, IMO.

Memory test: So what's your list? What were the first albums you owned, especially if you were of age/coming of age around the time of Woodstock.(Wherever you are from....)

It's something of a rhetorical question to contemplate, but I've also opened up comments here if you care to leave one containing your list. I think it's interesting. Thank you.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Newsflash: Mr. Cheney thinks we're all weeners

Re the news article linked below, check the current no. 1 def. for 'weener' at Urban Dictionary: Link

And that goes for YOU, too! Per "Mr. Potter's" disdaining references to "public sentiment" in this comment-worthy Washington Post article (by Barton Gellman, today). Link


Remember that one, from the former second most powerful person in the world? (He's knows he really was #1. Or, at least: King)

(Image from Google : LIFE archives)
You...yeah, You! You're a "wuss". So are whoever these guys are fawning around me here. And everyone else, especially my former "boss": "The President" of the United States.

Those who matter know I'M the real president! And now I've morphed into "Mr. Loquacious" , too....Got that dunk tank ready for me? (Link)
Bring it on....!!

Hasta la vista, baby. I'll be BACK....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A good letter. Plus: Medicare "anti-socialists"

A very good message in a letter to the editor in today's Hartford Courant. I'll trust the gentleman on his statistics.... Link: http://www.courant.com/news/opinion/editorials/hc-digbrflets0813.art3aug13,0,6901116.story

Why are many people vehemently defending the present, deeply flawed U.S. health care status quo? Per the following link, look where the private insurance system has left many working families/individuals:

Link: http://www.courant.com/business/hc-health-care-coverage-0812,0,73778.story

And, why are so many seen on TV/in photos yelling, screaming (uncivilly) in public officials' faces.... older Americans? (Mostly white, too.) Who either are already covered by government-run Medicare and Social Security, or soon will be....(A link to one current photo.)

Socialism!! Never!! (BTW: Read this 'wiki' on what a "mixed economy" is, here.)
Hands off my Medicare....

There's much distortion, deception, and misinformation out there right now. Enjoy a bit of clarity:

(Articulate Ms. Maddow is also dead-on correct about lazy, poor reporting (generally) slapped together and rushed out re the issue.)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Health care forum disrupters and demagogues

Representative John D. Dingell of Michigan has it right:

“As long as I have a vote, I will not let shouting, intimidation or misinformation deter me from fighting for this cause.”

Here's a story link. Especially note some of the associated photos: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/08/us/politics/08townhall.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

People have a right to express themselves, but yelling -- including scripted yelling -- is uncivil, and never accomplishes anything. (Neither does pushing/physical confrontation (by seriously overweight people (who burden any health care system)).)

Not too surprisingly (per previous posts here), this dangerous faction has now surfaced (online):

"The Revenooers are a'comin!" Some citizens are genuinely concerned (about health care reform), but virulently mixed in are the same reactionary hicks from the Rush/Glenn Beck/NRA nexus: "It's change and involves government so it's automatically bad and to be feared."

(Photo credit: Pfc. Christopher Grammer, 50th Public Affairs Detachment."This image is a work of a U.S. Army soldier or employee, taken or made during the course of the person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.")

And of course, the new queen of demagoguery (above) hasn't quit that job; firing off distortions, as described here:

8/14/09 update: Ms. Palin's 'death panel' claim, which she has affirmed, is FALSE. Once again revealing the divisive, distorting, ill-informed public figure that she is. Link to pertinent article: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/14/health/policy/14panel.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

We'll see where the national "debate" leads. But my question would be: Health insurers (private) already subject millions of policy holders to "rationing". (Deciding which patient medical procedures they will/will not cover.) IF you can afford a policy at all, do you actually want to (continue to) "trust" the insurance companies -- alone -- with this? (A link to a more complete response to this question: http://www.whitehouse.gov/realitycheck/4 ) Please be sure to read what former CIGNA exec. Wendell Potter had to say about private heath insurers' true focus here.

In case you've already forgotten (uhh...the recent worldwide financial crisis??), insurance companies' ultimate motive is to make a profit. One (more) example of the prime focus of such paragons of altruistic virtue: Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Connecticut is currently the #1-ranked private health care insurance provider by Consumer Reports. (See Sept. 2009 issue, PPO plans.) Yet they recently tried to perpetrate an (average) 23% rate increase on customers here. (Some rates would have gone up more than 30%.) Read more: http://www.courant.com/business/hc-anthem-rate-hike-data-0727,0,1218919.story

The state's attorney general, congress people, health care advocate and many others stood up to this proposed robbery, and the outrageous rate hike request was rejected. Though, the approved hike is still substantial.

In Obama's health care proposal, you can keep your wonderful, private health insurance, if you want to....http://www.marketwatch.com/story/obama-seeks-to-dispel-health-reform-rumors-2009-08-08?siteid=yahoomy

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Another day in paradise...for Connecticut billionaires!

"JoAnne Bauer, center of Hartford, waves to a plane in the sky with a banner attached to it thanking Connecticut Gov. M. Jodi Rell for not raising taxes on the rich. Bauer is with a group called Billionaires for Budget Cuts for a protest at the State Capitol in Hartford, Conn. , Thursday, July 30, 2009. Gov. M. Jodi Rell is set to release a new budget plan that she says may have to include tax increases. The governor has been saying for months that she wouldn't consider raising taxes until all possible spending cuts have been exhausted."

And here's a link to story & video for the "billionaires'" second visit (8/3/09):

Also love the following comment by "Robin Eublind" at: http://blogs.courant.com/capitol_watch/2009/08/the-billionaires-are-back.html#comment-121242

" Cheers to Gov. Rell for protecting the rich and greedy at the expense of the sick and needy.

I understand that in the coming budget negotiations both sides have admitted there's a need to raise taxes to close the budget gap.

That's fine with me -- so long as no one raises taxes on Billionaires."

ENS: Connecticut gets this one right

Link to story covering today's (8/5) announcement by Gov. Rell about a statewide reverse 911 notification system: http://www.wfsb.com/news/20292114/detail.html

This system may prove invaluable in certain dire situations such as some form of terror attack, or more localized incidents. (E.g., severe weather: CT has had two tornado touchdowns this year. It happens.) According to the announcement the system can also target specific geographic areas of the state, or just certain groups of people. (E.g., emergency responders.)

It also supposedly can be customized by its recipients; e.g., for email, cell phones, etc.

Let's hope all of the features really work, especially when it counts.

Why yes, Palin "think"-alikes, you can opt-out if you want. If you believe all of this is just one more big government, "Big Brother" communistic takeover ploy or something. Then you can be the last to know.....as usual.

Blog note: This post is backdated to fit the order of presentation (of all entries) preferred. It's actual creation date is 8/5/09. - Mr. D. Tails.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Connecticut: "Penny-wise(?), pound-foolish"

8/2/09 update re Wall Street excessive payouts: Article The Hartford Courant: http://www.courant.com/business/hc-wall-street-bonuses-connecti.artaug02,0,6464390.story

(Original post follows:)

Link to today's (7/31) story in the New York Times, about huge bonuses being paid to thousands of Wall Street bankers and traders in 2008: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/31/business/31pay.html?partner=rss&emc=rss

And here's another link to an 7/30/09 AP article about states cutting important health care programs for budget reasons. (Connecticut is prominently featured.) http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5isFa8Z14ZU7_1FdxV0gzofRplSOgD99OAHFO6

It so happens that my recalcitrant Republican Connecticut state representative wrote to constituents yesterday. Our area's compassionate-less conservative, in part wrote subjects the following:

(Your Party of No state rep.) "....today voted against the largest proposed tax hike in state history, contending that another Democratic spending spree will only further cripple any economic recovery." (BTW: No one anywhere expected the budget versions voted upon on Thursday would become law. So this would pretty much (again) be my "Party of No New Revenue Ideas" state rep. posturing on the issue, for those willing and able to swallow it.)

CT's "Party of No" current plan: Tax "Joe Six-pack"'s sins to death, cut his health care options at the time he'll be needing it most, cut state economic development agencies, let greedy, Fairfield County-residing Wall Street "masters of the universe" 'walk' on state taxes (on top of Bush fed. tax cuts) - in some cases after they/their firms helped manufacture a worldwide credit/financial crisis (and then got shored up/bailed out by taxpayers); and be sure to look the other way as state businesses continue to exploit tax loopholes, slash employee benefits, lay off resident workers, ship in foreign "consultants", and re-locate key operations overseas.

"Earth to Recalcitrant CT Republicans": If they want to continue to work in Manhattan (or Stamford), where are these "Wall Street wizards" going to "run away" to live? A modest increase in high-earner taxes here still leaves us below nearby New York and New Jersey in this respect, from what I've read. So, the "geniuses" will (instead) make their principal residence in Florida....and "commute"? Good luck with sustaining that family arrangement over time.....(Quality of life: It's (even more) hot and rainy down in Florida. Plus the mansions there are more likely to get blown away by the annual hurricanes. Try looking at Sun Belt crime statistics some time, too.)

Please wake up. Get real. And have the courage to seriously consider the following:

Revenue for state roads and bridges (beyond federal help and beyond the gas tax): Reinstitute highway tolls at state borders. Give every driver/trucking firm you can find an electronic toll transponder (i.e., mass-distribute at low cost).

Make numerous out-of-staters pay something back for use, just as Mass., N.Y., N.J., and 30 other states do now.

Fuel efficient vehicles are coming. Already-raided gas tax revenue can't do it all.

Also, why wouldn't a sales tax rate reduction/coverage expansion proposed by these two individuals be worth considering? Link to Courant 7/12/09 opinion article:


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

CT: Now that we've postured and had our tantrums...

Sorry for another 'rant' here lately, but significant topics just keep presenting themselves:

Re the following news update today involving Connecticut's governor and the state's budget impasse: Please grow up. Get real. Whatever.

Link to AP story: http://www.wfsb.com/money/20215571/detail.html

Only three states still haven't found a way to deal with the worst fiscal crisis in years. Yep, the Connecticut brigade of "The Party of No" has dug in to (mainly) hold up progress here....for months. (I.e., Yes, it's been mostly Republicans, despite the use of (the ass) image below...) Their beleaguered base of still-wealthy-but-penny-pinching, employee-jettisoning businesses, and super-rich Fairfield County moguls.... just can't possibly stand any type of small tax increase. You know, to do a tiny (relative) bit of their share in real-world society, and work it out with the rest of us "losers". It's all too much for the Greenwich and Stamford upper-crust to bear. And why the heck should these "masters of the universe's"....anyway? After they've clawed and scratched their way to the top, so much better than the rest of us "wimps"? Don't mind that some of the same helped engineer/drive the recent worldwide financial meltdown. (But seem to still somehow retain that mansion, 2nd mansion in the Hamptons, etc, etc.)

Like others, I understand that any final resolution will not be perfectly fair to every single Connecticut resident. Like others, I also understand (and remember) that taxes needed to be instilled/increased as part of the overall solution, during the last two economic recessions (in CT). And like others, I responded to my state rep. and asked that he and his colleagues try to put fairness (to as many residents/taxpayers as possible) first, and to compromise.

Instead, constituents got ideological posturing. Then more posturing. Then protracted posturing.

No state budget. No meaningful compromise. Just services and programs cut and then cut again.


At this ridiculously late date, it's unprincipled. It's immoral. It's garbage.

So we'll see what they all try to pull next. ("They": Read... recalcitrant Republican leadership.)

Thanks to those brave ones for reading this far. I certainly don't want to write anymore (or any more) about this garbage....

P.S. As previously suggested, what about reinstituting highway tolls at state borders? Low- or no-cost electronic toll transponders could be mass-distributed, which may alleviate traffic backups. And many out-of-staters ripping through CT would (then) be paying for the privilege....I thought that (ideas such as this) constituted "smart revenue source management" nowadays.....

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Wait...Using our no-equity McMansion as an ATM was imprudent?

"Well ah'lll beee...."

Link to an interesting blog entry by Nick Timiraos in today's (7/28/09) Wall Street Journal: http://blogs.wsj.com/developments/2009/07/28/study-finds-underwater-borrowers-drowned-themselves-with-refinancings/

The study cited was limited to foreclosures in southern California, but I'll bet your third lien\fifth lender\sixth servicer re-fi that it occurred in other areas of the country, too: "More than half of all borrowers who lost their homes had already refinanced at least once, and four out of five had a second mortgage."

Further (from the WSJ posting), borrowers (in the study) took out around $2 billion in equity from their homes, nearly eight times the $262 million that they put into their homes.

In other words, many borrowers (in this study) sunk themselves, via their own (imprudent, if not reckless) behavior. (I.e., Versus buying (a house) at the "wrong time", e.g., the top of the market.)

Photo: http://images.google.com/hosted/life/l?imgurl=49aa5c008c4c36da&q=slum%20source:life&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dslum%2Bsource:life%26ndsp%3D18%26hl%3Den%26sa%3DN%26start%3D144

Personal responsibility. Accountability for one's actions. Oh.... and plus: Caveat emptor. "Read the fine print". Etc., etc. Prudent behaviors adhered to by some, as amazingly old-fashioned as that was in the past decade or so. ....Seemingly tossed aside.....by other Americans.

And those left standing are now forgiving/subsidizing these "adults"? Some of whom were avaricious fools? (Others just plain old avaricious....(last paragraph, via link)).

An answer was offered months ago: http://heymrpotter.blogspot.com/2009/03/should-realize-that-everyone-is-in-same.html

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hang up and drive!

When will police start enforcing this violation, the latest evidence of which is included via this link?? Distracted Driving Research Withheld

Despite withheld reports, common sense dictates that distracted drivers are a "bad thing" for everyone. When will lawmakers really wake up to this....? Perhaps when a few of their own friends or family members are slammed into by texting/talking/eating/Twitter-ing/ air-heads??

The Connecticut "vanity" plate pictured is currently available. If you live here, go get it.
Before I do.

Oh...here's another one available around these parts:


Sunday, July 5, 2009

10 MORE reasons why Sarah quit:

Shhhh... this is a secret list. So we don't get in trouble with Ms. Palin's people.

And perhaps some good will come out of this.... As she goes on to lead her off-world colony....

Sarah's 10+ reasons:

10. Hey, we're quittin' in Iraq too. What's the problem?

9. Cheney called: Wants less vigilance on Russia from here. He's alerting the media about Obama's weak Wasilla security.

8. Entrepreneurial spirit. "Perfect Nails of Wasilla/Lake Lucille", opening soon!

7. Guns and religion: More cling time.

6. Announced on July 3rd, date of the end of Civil War's Battle of Gettysburg. See, they quit too!

5. Obama stayed on as Senator during his 2008 run, and just look at him today....

5a. Ran most state business through personal email. Pretty much plan to continue, without silly title or pesky scrutiny.

4. Talk radio! I can do that! I talk!

3. Wolves on the run in Alaska. AK-47s loaded, flying the Piper Cub on to the lower 48.

2. Anchorage Burlington Coat store just not cutting it. Plus they have apparent "no looting" policy.

1. Time to build up national third party, 2012: "Independence from taxes and nothing else complicated."

Extra bonus list item. A new, higher calling: To work with The Museum of Alaska Transportation and Industry (Wasilla,AK) "...to give a home to the transportation and industrial remnants and tell the stories of the people and the machines that opened Alaska to exploration and growth."

(Photo credit: Pfc. Christopher Grammer, 50th Public Affairs Detachment."This image is a work of a U.S. Army soldier or employee, taken or made during the course of the person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.")

Friday, July 3, 2009

Still the worst storms I've ever seen: 7-4-1969 Ohio "fireworks" derecho

Described via the link below are the worst storms that this long-time resident of (often) poor-weather regions has ever experienced. Even to date. That's having been through a couple of hurricanes in Connecticut, plus the blizzard of 1978, 1991's "Perfect" storm, 1993's "Storm of The Century", etc. (FWIW, the '78 blizzard could be a "tie", with its duration and snow/wind.) And also having been not too far south (luckily) of Xenia, OH, during the 1974 "super outbreak" of tornadoes. (All through the midwestern and southern U.S.).

This Michael Heaton story from the 7/2/09 Cleveland Plain Dealer describes the storm I was part of very well. Especially in the Lakewood (OH) park that lost many large trees, had fatalities, etc. It was July 4th, 1969 and many people were outside, gathering for fireworks, etc. Numerous pleasure craft were out on Lake Erie.

Here's a quick copy and a link to the NOAA (.gov) page that recounts the derecho (link to more information) which caused much destruction and flooding throughout northern Ohio and into western PA. (Click on the picture for more details) :

"This image is a work of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, taken or made during the course of an employee's official duties. As works of the U.S. federal government, all NOAA images are in the public domain."
I'll leave most of the rest to the Michael Heaton story. However, a little additional perspective for anyone interested: As indicated, there was little official warning. I was a kid in a suburb a couple of towns to the west of Lakewood. The northwestern sky quickly turned dark gray/black and you knew something unusually nasty was coming fast. The warm, humid air suddenly got cooler as the wind rapidly picked up.

My dad herded us disaffected youth (watching all of this unfold) inside, and we shortly proceeded to witness ten or so minutes of everything going to hell. Our house and neighborhood was a newly built subdivision, so (of course) many large trees had been removed. (Why do they always do that...denude an area for new houses?) But some mature trees remained, especially in our yard and our next-door neighbors'. Never seen by me before or since: Unbelievably fierce winds bent large, 40-50 foot deciduous trees over near the ground at moments. And, as often described, these prolonged gusts roared at times like a freight train. (Though it was subsequently determined that what occurred was not a tornado.) Our new house and windows shook. Sheets of rain; driven sideways.
Figure 2. Radar imagery (reflectivity) observed by the DECCA radar near Akron, Ohio at 8:30 PM EDT on July 4, 1969. (From Hamilton 1970)
A radar in Akron, Ohio observed a "bowed" echo about 35 miles northwest of the radar site at 8:30 PM on the evening of July 4th (Fig. 2). This bow echo was associated with the deadly derecho winds in the Cleveland area and was one of the first radar "bow echoes" to be documented.
(Reference......Hamilton, 1970; Storm Data for July 1969).

As noted, everything was over in about 10-15 minutes for us though you didn't know that immediately. (No power, plus no Weather Channel around anyway.) Almost all houses that had large trees on the streets around us lost at least one. We had two large, double-trunk trees crack and fall on top of other ones. (A neighbor actually ran outside to another house during the height of this to check on his daughter, and he said (later; having survived) that our trees cracking sounded like loud rifle shots.) After seeing them bent over, I remember being surprised that ALL of these trees weren't down. Though lightning still played in the dark sky for hours after, I remember everyone from all of the houses being outside afterward, and just kind of walking around the nearly dark streets looking at the damage. I think most were kind of stunned. It was surreal, especially with the lightning flashes all over the sky for quite a while. And it was still raining off and on, too.

Obviously we were fortunate that it wasn't worse (photo below). Derechos: Advanced weather technology is in place today, but you still never want to observe one of these racing your way. Or be part of one, if possible. It's one reason that I try to "do my part" today, as a Skywarn severe storm spotter.

(Xenia, OH 1974 tornado. As stated at http://www.weather.gov/disclaimer.php:"The information on government servers are in the public domain, unless specifically annotated otherwise, and may be used freely by the public....".)

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Another sanctimonious Republican "tees himself up"...

For Ms. Maureen Dowd:

Link to 6/27/09 NYT column: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/28/opinion/28dowd.html?_r=1

Oh....And of course, Mr. Soak-the-State Sanctimonious isn't quitting. (Just crying.) Like so many others, he'll have to be dragged out....

Monday, June 22, 2009

Cleveland's Burning River No More

6/27/09 Update: And then this happens.....


Earlier post:

Congratulations to all on the great progress described here: "Cleaner Water Celebrated..."
(There's also a recent NY Times article available.)

I think that many people know about the improvement, but many probably still don't. You know, the old-timers who still bring it up when (derisively) speaking about Cleveland. The ones who were happy to have a new car made from steel plants near the same river back then. Not that anything excuses the industrial sewer that the final portion of the river once was....

Credit: United Press International

They used to have a cruise boat that went up the (man-made) mouth of the river in Cleveland back in the 1960's. We were kids, but the adults with us warned us in advance that we were going to see the worst body of water you'll ever see. And it was pretty bad: I never saw so many strange, unnatural colors and other things floating in a river, before or since. Smells to match, too. You could actually watch the various discharges coming in from pipes near the plants, etc.

They've done a good job. E.g., I read recently that a deer was photographed swimming in the river right in the old industrial area.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Poem made up for neighbor with noisy vehicle (early)

Connecticut and it's towns have ordinances about noise, loud vehicles, etc. But are they really enforced? NO.

Clearly hearing a motorcycle or other often-purposely loud vehicle from inside your house, when it's still several blocks or streets away....is a quality-of-life violation that affects many...every day. It's not getting any "better", and it's getting really tempting to consider taking the law into our own hands about this. (Especially early morning/late night knuckleheads. That means you too, early newspaper delivery ("grown-up") drivin' "boys"....Habla Englais?) Many local police, towns, condo associations, etc. will do nothing (or next to...). ("Manpower." Couldn't a tiny fraction of Obama's money have gone toward improving this (re local police)??) In fact, you're sometimes looked upon as "the problem" if you even ask them.

Try politely communicating with an offender first, if you feel safe enough to. (At your own risk.) Some people are (still) decent enough.... if you ask nicely.

I had a person down the street who left for work before 5am every day in a purposely noisy truck. Leaving a copy of this fractured verse on his windshield one night seemed to actually work (though not right away). It ain't great, but I made it up in a hurry...

"Asleep we are at dawn's first light

Work is later; it's still late night

'Fore 5am, from down the street

A noisy truck rumbles us out of sleep

"It's him AGAIN", we mumble surly

Another night; we're awakened early

We leave this note to make you aware

That neighbors will complain to someone who cares

About a noisy vehicle that wakes people up around 4:45-5am every weekday!"

Trick is, finding someone with authority....who cares. Sometimes a town council (person) might help, as the people with shiny badges supposedly have to listen to them.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Sportsbreak/Crimebreak: Donte Stallworth

6/18 update: NFL commissioner Roger Goodell suspends Donte Stallworth indefinitely without pay. The story's not done yet (a "final determination on discipline" is forthcoming), but good job by the NFL in taking this action.

Earlier post:

Everyone else has a comment about Cleveland Browns receiver Donte Stallworth's 30-day prison sentence (plus community service, house arrest, etc.) for DUI manslaughter. In essence, here's mine: Please see yesterday's post.

Stories keep referring to how Stallworth is considered to be a "man" for actually stopping after he ran over the person, and allowing himself to be tested/arrested/charged. And that he really feels bad about all of this.

Please. If you or I got into our Bentley (not) at .126 or whatever alcohol level, then ran over some guy - jaywalking or not; our former life, livelihood, etc. etc. would be over right there. And no one would be patting us on the back for being a man about stopping the car. And, of course, most of us would have no celebrity's option to unleash our wallets, paying the victim's family (a lot), and possibly helping influence a lesser prison sentence.

It was an unfortunate accident, involving excess with alcohol. I believe that Donte Stallworth is very sorry and he has said so. But, if Eric Mangini and the Browns are serious about having quality individuals on the team going forward, he's cut, and soon. In other words: This is a test (of/for that approach).

That said: Donte Stallworth will likely be suspended from play for around eight games or so by the NFL commissioner. I think that Mr. Stallworth may then be brought back by the Browns, at least for the rest of the '09 season. This may be a financial (salary cap hit) decision. After 2009 all bets are off, but I wager that it still would be mainly a football and money decision.

The appropriate public "tut-tutting" about the "seriousness of the charges" has already begun by the Browns. But it's pro sports. It's a business...about trying to win. Serious and not-so-serious crimes happen all of the time with the wealthy pawns players. Ref.: St Louis' handing of Leonard Little's 1998 DUI manslaughter.

So, we'll see...

Note: Mr. Little, though acquitted of the more serious charges in a 2004 incident, has experienced further problems after 1998.

Guzzling SUV-ers: The trend isn't your friend

Volatile oil prices are here to stay. Oh, but you're still doing your part to help weaken U.S. national security...?? Etc, etc....?

McCain/Palin drilling won't "save you" any time soon, either (if ever). (And: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/12/opinion/12friedman.html)

Maybe this program might help a few of you....(But "The Party of No" keeps trying to kill it.)

A link to 6/17/o9 article with Fritz Henderson, GM CEO follows. That company may now be bankrupt (thanks in part to years of questionable decisions re types of vehicles to make/sell), but that also forces them to (at last) move toward the forefront of "what's next", at least in the U.S. Even Fritz knows about energy prices...

(Photos used are considered to be in the public domain.)

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Corrupt-icut redux: 'IF' my conduct was inappropriate??

Link to 6/17/09 Hartford Courant article re another CT official's DUI: http://www.courant.com/community/news/ec/hc-glastonbury-dui-arrest-0617.artjun17,0,4276121.story Please enjoy this woman's performance with the poor officers, whose salary "she approves"...in case they were unclear about that. That wastebasket they gave her was really meant for her career. Or, at least that would be true for the "rest of us"(little people), given similar circumstances.

Another humble Connecticut public official who still "doesn't get it". (Please check her "apology" in the article.) She'll likely get a slap on the wrist, too. And then be re-elected, so that she may carry on largely unhindered, via her all-powerful position....

When might these paragons of virtue ever wake up: There's no excuse for DUI. By anyone. None. If you've got a problem, find some help.

Oh....Some of the comments to the Courant's online story are pretty good. This person's got it right:

From "Jamie":

"She apologizes "IF" any of her behavior was inappropriate? IF??

Boy, that's big of her.

Jerk. "

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Scary article, and an accurate one

Congratulations to Mr. Frank Rich for describing a deteriorating situation in the U.S. (better than I ever could). And don't overlook his paragraph about easy access to guns for any "nutjob".

Link to his 6/13/09 NYT article: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/06/14/opinion/14rich.html?em

1. I thought that the recent national election provided some hope, but, no; this (still) is not the "United" States anymore. Not at the current time. Divisiveness mainly for the sake of divisiveness -- or audience ratings -- weakens the union.

1a. Leadership is required to defuse (or perhaps try to better integrate?) the present minority of "haters", secessionists, reactionaries, and demagogues.
Otherwise, with poorly controlled access to guns in this country, it's "Pandora's Box" open wider. As pointed out over and over here, with millions of people or all kinds and temperaments, and little weapons control, media "fanning of flames" is the last thing most Americans want or need. And spreading misinformation and half-truths is unpatriotic. It can be a form of hating and disparaging your country.

Oh. And just how inaccurate were the following, much-reviled comments from candidate Obama awhile back? It was a divisive thing to say and it uses stereotypes, so I don't support it. But take a minute to think about it again anyway:

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Re: Lone "gunmen": Don't forget the gun part

Guns don't usually pull their own triggers, but relatively easy access to them in the U.S. is part of the predicament of gun-violence plaguing this country. "Pandora's Box" is wide open.

Link to AP article: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090613/ap_on_go_ot/us_lone_wolf_terrorists_4

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The B-52s: They tried to forewarn us

Back in 1989. That was our last chance to try and break free....

"All static all day forever"

Lyrics: http://www.mtv.com/lyrics/b52s/channel_z/1362739/lyrics.jhtml

A music video link: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1x9s2_b52s-channel-z_music

(Follow all links at your own risk.)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Weakening America's security & tunnel vision

The fear-monger-in-chief keeps asking if we're all still scared enough....

Link to today's AP story: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090521/ap_on_go_ot/us_cheney_4

Quick commentary:

-- Per 9/11/01 itself (and not the subsequent Bush/Cheney misdirected over-reaction), NO rational person underestimates the requirement for continued vigilance re global terrorism. No political party has a monopoly on/about diligence any longer. Homeland security/combating terrorism are not merely partisan issues. Former and current officials should always attempt to work TOGETHER toward the (ongoing) challenges. Former and current leaders trading half- (or unverifiable-) truths and personal opinions in the "media".... WEAKENS America's effort. (Fanning flames: News site-viewer "votes" about who is "right" (about this) are simplistic fun for some. But the vote that counts took place in November, 2008. It wasn't that close.)

-- Bush administration tunnel vision about global terrorist threats (and how to deal them ) badly hurt the United States (and the world) in other essential aspects of governance. E.g., management and oversight of key portions of the U.S. economy, cohesive energy policy, environmental protections, etc. The current president now has much to lead repairs upon as a result; more than most have ever faced in a first year.

-- And from the incredible Mr. Cheney today, re combating global terrorism: "Half measures keep you half exposed." Oh....As in: Only half-protecting U.S. ports? Not initially directing an appropriate share of anti-terrorism funding to vulnerable, large U.S. cities? Unilaterally attacking non-9/11-involved Iraq, leaving a half-staffed/funded effort for Afghanistan/Pakistan (and U.S. homeland security)? Virtually "turning over the keys" to the U.S. economy to Wall Street in the meantime, on your "watch"? A half-assed, non-diversified approach to U.S. energy security? Etc., etc.

From a newly-loquacious "yapper": An amazingly hubristic -- and ironic -- publicly-uttered sentence.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Thank you! Please keep arresting all participants

Link to 5/18/09 Hartford Courant news story: "149 Arrested At Street Races in Hartford"

A moronic "pastime" --especially on public streets -- without virtue or honor.

"Extremely hazardous" as Hartford's police chief says, to participants, "by-standers" and other motorists.
Not to mention the (often) late night noise....

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Huh? Your Congress (& the NRA) at work...

Are you kidding me? This is the ultimate "gotcha" amendment.

Just what we need: It only takes one armed "whack-job" to ruin your "day at the park". Maybe you'll be the one accidentally blocking some gun-totin' dude's view of the caribou, and....

Allowing loaded semi-automatic assault rifles, shotguns, handguns, etc. in national parks puts everyone, including visitors, rangers, and animals in danger.

Please refer to this previous post, here. Statistically there's a tiny danger from wild animals in national parks. Crime rates there are also LOW. But allow the ones who walk upright to carry concealed, loaded guns...?? Now your talkin' dangerous.

clipped from money.cnn.com
By Jennifer Liberto, CNNMoney.com senior writer
WASHINGTON (CNNMoney.com) -- What do guns have to do with credit cards?

In a surprising move, the Senate voted 67-29 on Tuesday to attach a measure that would allow guns in national parks to a bill that cracks down on credit card fees.

"It's just wacky," said Jon Houston, spokesman for Rep. Carolyn Maloney, D-N.Y., the bill's chief House sponsor who has been pushing for a crack down on credit card practices for two years.

Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., saw an opportunity to grab on to a comparatively fast-moving target, since lawmakers are under the gun to finalize a credit card bill in the next 11 days.

Coburn, speaking on the Senate floor, said his move "isn't a 'gotcha' amendment" but a genuine step to protect the Second Amendment. The measure would reverse a federal judge's decision in March block a last-minute rule change by President George W. Bush to allow park visitors to carry concealed weapons.

blog it