“As long as I have a vote, I will not let shouting, intimidation or misinformation deter me from fighting for this cause.”
Here's a story link. Especially note some of the associated photos: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/08/us/politics/08townhall.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
People have a right to express themselves, but yelling -- including scripted yelling -- is uncivil, and never accomplishes anything. (Neither does pushing/physical confrontation (by seriously overweight people (who burden any health care system)).)
Not too surprisingly (per previous posts here), this dangerous faction has now surfaced (online):

(Photo credit: Pfc. Christopher Grammer, 50th Public Affairs Detachment."This image is a work of a U.S. Army soldier or employee, taken or made during the course of the person's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the image is in the public domain.")
And of course, the new queen of demagoguery (above) hasn't quit that job; firing off distortions, as described here:
8/14/09 update: Ms. Palin's 'death panel' claim, which she has affirmed, is FALSE. Once again revealing the divisive, distorting, ill-informed public figure that she is. Link to pertinent article: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/14/health/policy/14panel.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
We'll see where the national "debate" leads. But my question would be: Health insurers (private) already subject millions of policy holders to "rationing". (Deciding which patient medical procedures they will/will not cover.) IF you can afford a policy at all, do you actually want to (continue to) "trust" the insurance companies -- alone -- with this? (A link to a more complete response to this question: http://www.whitehouse.gov/realitycheck/4 ) Please be sure to read what former CIGNA exec. Wendell Potter had to say about private heath insurers' true focus here.
In case you've already forgotten (uhh...the recent worldwide financial crisis??), insurance companies' ultimate motive is to make a profit. One (more) example of the prime focus of such paragons of altruistic virtue: Anthem Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Connecticut is currently the #1-ranked private health care insurance provider by Consumer Reports. (See Sept. 2009 issue, PPO plans.) Yet they recently tried to perpetrate an (average) 23% rate increase on customers here. (Some rates would have gone up more than 30%.) Read more: http://www.courant.com/business/hc-anthem-rate-hike-data-0727,0,1218919.story
The state's attorney general, congress people, health care advocate and many others stood up to this proposed robbery, and the outrageous rate hike request was rejected. Though, the approved hike is still substantial.
In Obama's health care proposal, you can keep your wonderful, private health insurance, if you want to....http://www.marketwatch.com/story/obama-seeks-to-dispel-health-reform-rumors-2009-08-08?siteid=yahoomy
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