Re the following news update today involving Connecticut's governor and the state's budget impasse: Please grow up. Get real. Whatever.
Link to AP story:
Only three states still haven't found a way to deal with the worst fiscal crisis in years. Yep, the Connecticut brigade of "The Party of No" has dug in to (mainly) hold up progress here....for months. (I.e., Yes, it's been mostly Republicans, despite the use of (the ass) image below...) Their beleaguered base of still-wealthy-but-penny-pinching, employee-jettisoning businesses, and super-rich Fairfield County moguls.... just can't possibly stand any type of small tax increase. You know, to do a tiny (relative) bit of their share in real-world society, and work it out with the rest of us "losers". It's all too much for the Greenwich and Stamford upper-crust to bear. And why the heck should these "masters of the universe's"....anyway? After they've clawed and scratched their way to the top, so much better than the rest of us "wimps"? Don't mind that some of the same helped engineer/drive the recent worldwide financial meltdown. (But seem to still somehow retain that mansion, 2nd mansion in the Hamptons, etc, etc.)
Like others, I understand that any final resolution will not be perfectly fair to every single Connecticut resident. Like others, I also understand (and remember) that taxes needed to be instilled/increased as part of the overall solution, during the last two economic recessions (in CT). And like others, I responded to my state rep. and asked that he and his colleagues try to put fairness (to as many residents/taxpayers as possible) first, and to compromise.
Instead, constituents got ideological posturing. Then more posturing. Then protracted posturing.
No state budget. No meaningful compromise. Just services and programs cut and then cut again.
At this ridiculously late date, it's unprincipled. It's immoral. It's garbage.
So we'll see what they all try to pull next. ("They": Read... recalcitrant Republican leadership.)
Thanks to those brave ones for reading this far. I certainly don't want to write anymore (or any more) about this garbage....
P.S. As previously suggested, what about reinstituting highway tolls at state borders? Low- or no-cost electronic toll transponders could be mass-distributed, which may alleviate traffic backups. And many out-of-staters ripping through CT would (then) be paying for the privilege....I thought that (ideas such as this) constituted "smart revenue source management" nowadays.....
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