1/8/11: Link to developing news story. (Details are currently unfolding...):http://www.nytimes.com/2011/01/09/us/politics/09giffords.html
Many people shot. Several killed, including at least one child. (People who tackled the perpetrator (on-scene) in this case are heroes.)
Talk about "civil discourse" all that we want. But yeah...keep ignoring the real danger: Out-of-control gun availability/ownership in a large nation of 300+ million. Even if the gun in this case was legally obtained/owned. (Unknown at this time...)
1/9/11 update: Why does any civilian "need" a weapon such as an extended magazine Glock semi-automatic pistol? Except to potentially hurt or kill many more than one person/living thing...
(Continuing:) If one-tenth of one percent of all of those (300 mill.) people are dangers to others (something like that number will always be likely), that is (roughly) 300,000 threats (potentially) roaming around - at any one time. (Cut that estimate in half if wished. (E.g., some of the 300 million are very young, usually males commit mass shootings, etc. And cut it down by half again, as some potential killers are presently incarcerated, on medication, etc. ) It is still a large number. Many thousands. ) And we continue to make it easy for some of them to obtain guns...We readily arm such individuals. No other major country allows that - except perhaps, Mexico.
(Plus, as noted here it's sometimes difficult to detect potential mass killers. They do not necessarily fit a 'profile'. But they almost always obtain/use guns...)
This ambush/shooting of an unprotected congressperson (a woman) - and others - was an act of unbelievable cowardice. Yet another one...
(Insert: The only hope I hold to as these horrific events happen over and over, is that I believe most people feel and react the same way that I and my acquaintances do....)
U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords. This United States Congress image is in the public domain.
BTW: Referring to the perpetrator (in this case) as a 'shooter' or 'gunman' is a whitewash. They are euphemisms. He is a suspected mass killer (and maim-er). (Alleged, at this time.) Nothing less...
1/9/11 update: Even aging Cuban dictators are (reportedly) appalled about this high-profile gun incident: "Atrocious..." (link).
How long will the United States continue to 'permit' despicable acts such as this? What does it take? How many more?
Enact effective weapon controls in remembrance of the victims - in this case and previous ones..
'This will not stand.'
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