OK, this coward is perhaps yet another '"whack job", but does anyone really not understand a key reason why such carnage occurs SO OFTEN? In the land of the free(ly available guns)? Ummmm....let's see now: If you've got millions and millions of people (all sorts), LOTS of available guns, and little effective control......DUH.
Probability and statistics, my friends.
So chances are still small but nevertheless, along with me, pray YOU'RE never in the line of fire.
And referring to the individual in (numerous) news stories as a "gunman" effectively serves to romanticize the coward. Name him what he is: A KILLER, and a cowardly one. In this case it's also likely mass MURDER; NOT just a(nother) shooting "spree". That word tends to make it sound like a damn party, or maybe a weekend shopping "spree".
More, after all developments come out.
Will try more later on this.
By JESSICA GRESKO, Associated Press Writer Jessica Gresko, Associated Press Writer
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