Today? Well, as the latest, fine example, we got 17-catch, multi-million-dollar Donte Stallworth, his Bentley, and much senseless pain and tragedy.
Suffice it to say that the entire Super Bowl era has been a frustrating experience for the Browns and their loyal (but hapless) fans.

So, the new Mangini regime gets to pretty much start over again with this team; it's only about the fourth time in the last six years. Looks like they're going to mainly try to build through the draft, which I agree with (what choice do I have?). Hope these guys are better at doing that.
What might the new leaders try to start moving things along in the right direction? One suggestion would be to (continue to) "shop" talented but unfocused receiver Braylon Edwards for an experienced receiver plus one or two decent draft picks. Edwards will be in his last contract year in 2009 anyway (it appears) and probably won't want to stick around. (Link to (yet) another article discussing this trade possibility.) Edwards for something useful, or no deal.
Unless "Man-genius" and crew can impress us with something, I think the '09 season may be a write-off anyway. So why not build for 2010 and beyond. They may not have anybody really to throw to in '09, but so what?
There are additional options: B. Quinn or Derek Anderson traded for good picks, or perhaps even Quinn "straight up" for pouting but stronger-armed Jay Cutler.
I believe (and predict (and hope)) that another significant trade (or two) will happen prior to the start of the Browns season. (K. Winslow was the first. Good riddance. If only we'd picked B. Rothlisberger instead in that '04 draft. He now commands the Empire. Better keep him away from that motorcycle....)
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