Why are many people vehemently defending the present, deeply flawed U.S. health care status quo? Per the following link, look where the private insurance system has left many working families/individuals:
Link: http://www.courant.com/business/hc-health-care-coverage-0812,0,73778.story
And, why are so many seen on TV/in photos yelling, screaming (uncivilly) in public officials' faces.... older Americans? (Mostly white, too.) Who either are already covered by government-run Medicare and Social Security, or soon will be....(A link to one current photo.)
Socialism!! Never!! (BTW: Read this 'wiki' on what a "mixed economy" is, here.)
Hands off my Medicare....

There's much distortion, deception, and misinformation out there right now. Enjoy a bit of clarity:
(Articulate Ms. Maddow is also dead-on correct about lazy, poor reporting (generally) slapped together and rushed out re the issue.)
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