Just curious.
If there had been an accurate way to tabulate the information, I would have liked to know the highest level of education attained by Nashville Tea Party convention attendees.
I'll cite a couple of U.S. Census Bureau statistics to elaborate a bit: Per 2008 data, the U.S. Census bureau reported that 87 percent of (25+ year-old) adults in the country had completed high school. And 29% had at least a bachelor's degree.
How did convention attendees (and perhaps speakers/leaders) compare with these statistics? Or "Tea Partiers" in general?
4/14/10 update: The following New York Times article by K. Zernike and M. Thee-Brenan contains interesting poll data asking similar questions. The link follows. This is my blog so I'll add (editorially) that we recently had eight years of an administration that largely favored the wealthy. We're still trying to undo the mess that these leaders facilitated, and will be doing so for quite awhile.(As with all major world economies, government stimulus spending has been part of the current solution. And could it be " working"? Link to a 4/15/10 Wall Street Journal article citing evidence mounting for a "strong recovery". Link: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304798204575183683432202678.html?mod=WSJ_hpp_LEFTWhatsNewsCollection)
Also, the ballooning federal budget deficit was increased significantly under the previous Republican administration, something a few (NYT) poll respondents have "selective amnesia" about: (Link to NYT article) http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/15/us/politics/15poll.html?partner=rss&emc=rss
(Back to the original post:)
One more item from the 2008 Census study to suggest a point here (direct quotation): "The U.S. Census Bureau announced today that workers with a bachelor’s degree earned about $26,000 more on average than workers with a high school diploma, according to new figures that outline 2008 educational trends and achievement levels."
In general - there are exceptions (and assuming legal means used): It is an uphill "battle" to achieve a desirable standard of living in this country if you have not earned (at least) a college bachelor's degree. And it has been that way for years.....
Some (maybe many) have significant disadvantages, especially affording college. (Without government-backed financial aid.) But, beyond that, your level of education in many instances is something that YOU mainly control. (Perhaps more so as an adult.)
Isn't that correct, individual-freedom-touting, no "big"-government-aid Tea Partiers??
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